Monday, April 25, 2011

Introduction Exercise

   In our mind, parents always take care of their children. It seems normal that they do everything for their kids. However, roles are sometimes reversed. Some children also get reversal to take care of their parents in some cases. It seems a little strange or abnormal that children should help their parents to do many things at their very young age, but there are many benifits for their growth actually.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

A Story in a Restaurant (indirect)

(Note: our group act as the woman.)

     I was having a dinner with my friend in a restaurant. The food was delicious and everything went well. Suddenly, my friend screamed what was that in the soup.

    I looked at the soup and found that there was a fly inside. My friend shouted where the waiter was.

    A waiter came to us after two minutes and asked that how he could help us.

    Then my friend shouted to him that there was a fly inside.

    The waiter looked at the soup and apologized that he was so sorry about that, could he take a new one for us.

    My friend howled that there was no way and he would tell that to the waiter's boss.

    The waiter replied gently that he was so sorry. He said that we could tell his boss, but what he could do now is help us to change a new order.

    I replied that was very kind of him and please take a new order for us..

    The waiter said thank you and smiled to me.

    However, my friend still yelled that he do not want to eat the food there anymore. There was very dirty.

    The waiter looked impatient and said that he was sorry again about that, but that was really an accident. They would do it well next time.

     I adviced to my friend that just give them a chance, but my friend said no and shouted again madly.

    He asked the waiter to call his boss there.

    The waiter couldn't control his anger and left.

    My friend exclaimed loudly that how wickedly the waiter was. Everyone in the restaurant looked at him.

    That made me feel shameful. I finally shouted at him that was very ahumiliatory to had a dinner with him because he was very rude. I left the restaurant at last.

Friday, April 1, 2011

A Story in a Restaurant

Group Members: Chong Kou, Anthony Villon

(Note: we act as the woman.)

     I was having a dinner with my friend in a restaurant. The food was delicious and everything went well. Suddenly, my friend screamed, "Watch, my friend, what is this? "

    I looked at the soup and found that there is a fly inside. "Come on. Where is the waiter?" my friend shouted.

    A waiter came to us after two minutes. "Yes, Sir. How can I help you? " the waiter said politely.

   "Look,what is this? There is a fly inside," my friend shouted.

    The waiter looked at the soup and said, "I'm so sorry about that, Sir. Can I take a new one for you?"

    "No way! I'll tell your boss!" my friend howled.

    "Sorry Sir, you can tell my boss, but what I can do now is help you to change a new order," the waiter replied gently.

    "That's very kind of you, Sir. Please take a new order for us, thank you," I replied.

    "Thank you for your kind, lady," the waiter smiled to me.

    "No! I do not want to eat the food here anymore. It's very dirty!" my friend yelled.

    The waiter looks impatient and said, "I'm sorry again , Sir, but it is really an accident. We'll do it well next time."

    "Just give them a chance," I adviced.

    "No! Call you boss here," my friend shouted again madly.

    The waiter couldn't control his anger and left at last.

    "See, what a wickedly waiter," my friend exclaimed loudly and everyone in the restaurant looked at him.

    "Shut up! Colse your mouth, please. It's very shameful to have a dinner with you. You are very rudely," I finally shouted at him and left the restaurant.

PS: Happy April Fools' Day, guys.      o(∩_∩)o  ~

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Hello, everyone, this is Chong Kou,  you can just call my English name as Kris or Kris Kou.

Welcome to you guys to come to my blog.